laurus sport / apparel graphics, print, & social media

For the past year I have had the pleasure of working with Laurus Sport to not only create but conceptualize graphics for some of South Africa’s highest ranking football teams as well famous hip-hop artist’s streetwear lines by means of sublimation printing. From kits, to tracksuits, shorts, socks, and beyond.



laurus sport / y?gen collab

Y?GEN and YoungstaCPT (South African hip-hop artist Riyadh Roberts) initially came to Laurus in prospect of performing at a tournament we were sponsoring. I took the initiative in presenting a possible collaboration between our sportswear line and their streetwear line. Since then we’ve teamed up to create the two sets of collabs you’ll see below. Black and simple for the first round, followed by two loud summer windbreakers featuring a blowout of the original pattern and colorful 80’s pop to suit the festive season of South Africa. From calm and humble to in your face. The pattern is based off of the man, YoungstCPT, and his faith and culture. African patterns and Islamic tile work.




laurus sport / perseus collab

Lenneth Bowers, a South African entrepreneur and founder of Perseus Streetwear, came to Laurus shortly after the Y?GEN collab looking to do something similar. He wanted a streatwear tracksuit and collab team badge on top of a bit of rose gold with a primarily black body. That was the open ended brief that I was able to freely run with. Through the process and discussions we ended up with just that and much more. Simple and clean, yet bold and proud.
